What does it cost to sell at Kidia?
Initial fee 14,90€ / sales package
This is payable at the time of booking. One sales package includes the handling of 80 products. The initial fee covers the review and selection of products for sale.
Commission 50% from sales proceeds
This will be deducted from your accrued sales revenue at the end of the sales period. Please note that the commission is deducted before the product-specific handling fee.
Handling fee 0,60€ / product
You will also pay a handling fee of 0,60€ for each product priced for sale after commission. You do not have to pay this fee for products that do not end up for sale.
The price of the sales service includes a full service
- At least 14 sales days
- A professional pricing service
- Selection of suitable products for sale
- Price tag attachment and hanging
- Presentation in store by size
- Real-time sales tracking online
- Alarms for more valuable products
- If you want free recycling
Additional services
Pick up from your doorstep 12,90€
Before the sales period starts, you can book a convenient delivery service for the products you are selling. We will pick up the products at the agreed time and deliver them to the shop for sale!
Recycling 5,90€
After the sales service, don't you want to take clothes back home once you've cleaned out your wardrobe? No problem, you can leave the unsold items for us to recycle if you wish.
See pricing examples
You book one sales package (max 80 products)
You pay an initial fee at the time of booking
You will bring 40 products for sale. We select 38 products for sale and leave out 2 products.
Your return on sales is 250€
The 50% commission is deducted from your sales proceeds first
The remaining amount will then be deducted from the handling fee:
38 x 0,60€
= 22,80€
Your payout at the end of the period is therefore:
250,00€ - 125,00€ - 22,80€
= 102,20€
The total price of the service for you is:
14,90€ + 125,00€ + 22,80€
= 162,70€
The actual amount you will receive, taking into account all service charges:
250,00€ - 12,90€ - 125,00€ - 22,80€
= 87,30€
You book one sales package (max 80 products)
You pay an initial fee at the time of booking
You will bring 80 products for sale. We select 75 products for sale and leave out 5 products.
Your return on sales is 650€
The 50% commission is deducted from your sales proceeds first
The remaining amount will then be deducted from the handling fee:
75 x 0,60€
= 45,00€
Your payout at the end of the period is therefore:
650,00€ - 325,00€ - 45,00€
= 280€
The total price of the service for you is:
14,90€ + 325,00€ + 45,00€
= 384,90€
The actual amount you will receive, taking into account all service charges:
650,00€ - 14,90€ - 325,00€ - 45,00€
= 265,10€